Cost effective and simple to catch tuna, hake, cod and halibut

Proven Technology
Lindgren Pitman Inc in Florida has manufactured and distributed longline spool for 40 years. Our agency in Norway has now 60 boats fishing with these spools. We sell LP mini-spools that is suitable for boats 25-40 feet. Baskets are no longer needed.
Its implementation has made a revolution in bottom fishing for halibut, surpassing the Norwegian catch from gillnets and autoline.
Acces to the European Market
The spools are shipped from Miami to any major European airport by air and transported by road to your port. The instalment on your boat is simple and requires small capacities of hydraulic oil and pressure to give the power you need.
Fishing Gear
The line (monofilament 3.6mm or 5.0mm braided) is manufactured in Italy and Spain, stopper knots on mono (to prevent clips to skid) are mounted in our Portugal workshop and the snoods are made here with material from South Korea, Vietnam, Taiwan and Spain to the exact order of the customer. Magazines (that hold 200-400 snoods each) are made in Norway and Estonia, and everything is packed on a pallet and delivered before the spool arrives from Miami.
Not Heavy and Expensive
The spools have a footprint of 10-15sq. ft. and weights from 700 lbs with line, and cost, delivered, £14,000 complete with tools and spares for the smallest spool with 500 snoods for tuna or 1,200 snoods for bottom fishing such as halibut, cod or hake.